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I need help


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Hey guys

I can´t speak french so i don´t understand the website. I´don't understand how to candidate or something... :( Can somebody help me ...

greetings iFritz


and DIAMONDS to you :D:diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond::diamond:

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If you want join Minefield you must candidate in the post "paysant" pesant in english i know.


You will speak about you if you practice a sport and others ;) for exemple.


And the most important is to create a role play with your minecraft caracter in 20 line minimum.



Bye i hope that my english is not so bad.

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Just in order to complete, Kureha didn't mention the fact that you have to explain, quickly, what you want to fulfil on the server, (in a way, why you want to join us).


Good luck, and hope to see you soon IG!

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Hello !


Je doute qu'on puisse vraiment aider les anglophones à s'intégrer sur Minefield tant qu'eux ne peuvent pas parler français.


I'm sorry to disapoint you iFritz, but I think you can't get to be "paysan" if you can't speak french. This is an entierly french server, we are not (yet) an international server ;).

Still, you can send a message to the "gouverneurs (modo)" if you find the way to, they'll enjoy to answer you ;)


And of course, you can visit our server as much as you want !


Nice play !

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I think the moderators/administrators are planning on translating some parts of the forum. Not all, but the essential ones only, such as the rules, the FAQ, and "How to become a Peasant"...


I think you'll have to asks for some players' help (like the others above me) until then, but i would like to reassure you : it is possible for english-speakers to become peasants !

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