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For information, this Minecraft server is french, so I don't understand why you go to it.

Creator769 :idea:


P.S.: My english isn't very good, I know it.


It's not because it's that he shouldn't be able to play on it. If he wants to, he can (however, good luck understanding people and being understood by them :) ).


For your problem, try deleting the "version_minefield.txt" file in ".minecraft" --> "bin"

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For information, this Minecraft server is french, so I don't understand why you go to it.

Creator769 :idea:


P.S.: My english isn't very good, I know it.


It's not because it's that he shouldn't be able to play on it. If he wants to, he can (however, good luck understanding people and being understood by them :) ).


For your problem, try deleting the "version_minefield.txt" file in ".minecraft" --> "bin"

J'lai dis avant toi ! (a)

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