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Je suis désolé pour mon mauvais Français, je suis Anglais et j'habite dans Angleterre.


(if anyone speaks English, please reply in English too so I can understand better, thanks!)


Mon probleme:

Je ne pouvez pas parle en le serveur.


Le message que j'ai:


Merci beaucoup!

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Hi there.


You current rank is the lowest one, "vagabond" (I believe it's the same word in english).


Therefore you cannot talk in the chat nor interract with any block.


To get to the next rank called "paysan" (peasant), you must pass the "quizz", you'll find it here :


But it requires a great knowledge of the server's rules, you'll find them here :


Unfortunately, everything here is in french, and we are not allowed to help you pass the test so ... the best I can say is good luck :)


You can still visit the different map freely ! See you soon.

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Aha, merci beaucoup / thank you very much! Nice to see some other English speakers. Hopefully playing here will improve my French. :P


Is there anywhere where the rules are in English? If not, I'll try my best to understand them and complete the quiz :S


Thanks again!

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As the previous post says, you must be "paysan" to be able to speak and to being "paysan" you had to complete the quizz without doing any mistake. But i think it would be very difficult for you because the questions are in french and the rules of the server are in this language too. So good luck ;)

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Aha, merci beaucoup / thank you very much! Nice to see some other English speakers. Hopefully playing here will improve my French. :P


Is there anywhere where the rules are in English? If not, I'll try my best to understand them and complete the quiz :S


Thanks again!


Yeah that might take a little while, if you need any help feel free to throw me a private message : ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=68486


I won't give you the answers (that's forbidden) but I'll try to put you on the right track to find them.


If you succeed, be sure you'll be known for that, as one of the few non-french speakers who passed the test ;)


Good luck !

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Woah! That's a lot of questions! Is there no way I could get a translation? haha


Looks like it may be a while til I can talk in-game xd


How many attempts do I have at the quiz? Unlimited, or...?


+Merci beaucoup Splendide! I'll try my best to pass the quiz, I may ask you to translate a couple of rules :S



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Weeeell ... making the questions public by posting them on the forum is also forbidden, when that happens a moderator always edits the message to remove them. So I don't know if that rules also applies to private messages, I'll ask a moderator or an admin if you can send me the questions, I know what kind there are already so ... dunno, i'll ask.


By the way there's 20 questions (I think) but it's out of wayyy more (like, I don't know, several hundreds I think). So if you reload a new test after failing, you'll have new questions.


You have unlimited attempts :)


The test will tell you how many faults you made, but not exaclty what were the good and the bad answers. Many vagabonds say it's too hard, but don't lose faith ! ;)

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C'est marrant, à chaque fois que quelqu'un pose une question en anglais tout le monde se bat pour y répondre et montrer comment il parle bien anglais :P (Ce qui n'est pas vraiment mon cas ^^)


(It's funny, each time someone asks something in english, the whole people are fighting for answer it and show how they speak english very well :P (Sorry for that very bad translation, languages weren't one of my favourite subjects ^^)

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(It's funny, each time someone asks something in english, the whole people are fighting for answer it and show how they speak english is very well :P (Sorry for that very bad translation, languages weren't one of my favourite subjects ^^)


Kespsyn sors de ce corp !


Good luck Connor ^^

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C'est marrant, à chaque fois que quelqu'un pose une question en anglais tout le monde se bat pour y répondre et montrer comment il parle bien anglais :P (Ce qui n'est pas vraiment mon cas ^^)


(It's funny, each time someone asks something in english, the whole people are fighting for answer it and show how they speak english very well :P (Sorry for that very bad translation, languages weren't one of my favourite subjects ^^)


Mes yeux :cry:


Noraj SP on est pas tous bloqué à sa langue maternelle ♥

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