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WonderCraft Silly House idea


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I just wanted to share this 5 minutes sketch I made of a house idea. I don't know if this breaks any rule. Just wanted to be sure. I would like to build it in Nimps (free build, right?)


* I mean "wool" not wood in the sketch U_U sorry.


UPDATE: You can visit it now. Look at the coordinates in the image at the bottom of the post.

Thanks for your support!


People who helped in any way:

* Ohhopi

* Avatir31

* Odadjian

* BlueTheLemon

* Poogly

* Warkor

* Citron

* Guigeek

* Guyms


And a few more, sorry if I can recall the names or I write them wrong! (let me know!)

All of them were totally supportive and patient to all my questions related to Minefield.






There's a little of the story of WonderCraft unveiled (not to much didn't want to make any spoiler, but the house has his own story to tell if you look at the signs) :)

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Hi !


What a wonderful house, I love it !!! You can build it into Nimps, it's in fact freebuild. Furthemore this house it's totally "NimpStyle" (don't kill me please, this joke is soooo bad) !!!!


Enjoy ! :D

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I'm soooo agreing with you Tybalt, it's soooo fun to see all this people showing theyre knowledge ! Hem...

Je veux dire, oui tu as raison.

Hier soir, je me connecte sur mumble après une semaine d'absence et les gens me disent : "Quoi ? Tu ne connais pas samcube ? Mais il est americain, tu devrais le connaitre enfin !" :lol:

Sorry je suis hors sujet. Nice work quand-même ;)

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Hi Sam !

Just asking if I can join your donjon project, I was searching a donjon construction for years >.< ,

I have experience with buildings and it will be honor to build with you :3 .

so if you have place in your team for a little builder like me, I will be the most happy minefieldian of the wor... of minefield :D


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